Clearing Out the Clutter 

When the temperature starts getting warmer and flowers start to bloom, many people start thinking about spring cleaning. They are full of good intentions about cleaning out rooms within the house as well as their basement, attic or garage. For most people spring cleaning means clearing out the clutter but somewhere along the way they get busy doing other things and only a few areas of the house get the full spring cleaning.  Here are some tips to help clear out the clutter and make spring cleaning successful.

There are three parts to clearing out the clutter. They are the “Pre-Process”, “Process” and “Post-Process”.

Part One - “Pre-Process”

Decide the Goal.  What is it that you want to accomplish? Do you want to be able to easily locate your tools, sports equipment, make room for your car in the garage, get rid of unused items, make room for newer items, become more organized to save time or just clear space? 

Once you have decided the goal you need to devise and write a plan.  Ask yourself: What is it going to take for me to accomplish this goal? Do I need to save money to purchase organizing items or get help from others? You also need to decide how much time you are going to devote to the project. Will it be an entire weekend or is this something you want to break down into smaller projects?

Now that you know what your goal is and how you are going to accomplish it, mark it in your planner! This step is extremely important!  If you do not mark it down in your planner, it is less likely that you will carry out the plan. If you are breaking the job down into smaller projects, decide when you are going to do each one and write it down.

Part Two – The “Process”   

Begin by sorting and purging everything in the area.  The area could be one kitchen drawer or cabinet, a closet, the kids’ room or the basement, attic or garage. It is important to pull everything out of the area and put like items together.  Have separate piles for donate, trash, belongs somewhere else or to someone else, give away and items to return to the area. Dispose of the unwanted or not needed items quickly. Many local nonprofit organizations will pick up items you want to recycle or donate for a reasonable fee or for free.  Tip: when taking items to other areas in the house they belong in, just go to that area and drop it inside the door. Do not try to put it away immediately. Many people become side-tracked and do not return to the area they began working in.    Take advantage of wall and ceiling space for storage when you are thinking about putting the items back in the room. There are many attachable wall units and shelves that are decorative but are good for storage. In the garage take advantage of overhead hanging storage units for less used items. Always be thinking about furniture that can also be used for storage.

Be ruthless in your decisions about what you are keeping, donating, selling, and giving away and what is trash!  During the process you need to ask yourself, do I need it, love it or use it! If the answer is “no”, get rid of it!

Part Three – “Post Process”

Be proud of what you have accomplished, even if the project is not complete because at least you did something to begin the process of clearing out the clutter.  Reward yourself and those that helped you! If you chose to break the project down into smaller projects, reward yourself after each part is completed, and definitely reward yourself after the entire project is completed.  You deserve it!

Holiday Season

 Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks for friends, family, health or whatever else you wish to give thanks for as well as, giving to others in any way you can.  November first is the start of the Holiday season and can become very hectic and stressful for some.
     Here at Clutter Conversions, we enjoy giving you monthly tips to make life easier and more enjoyable for you, your family and your coworkers.  By sending you space organizing and time management tips we hope that you are getting a chance to do things in life you truly want to do.

9 Easy Ways for Having a Stress-Free Holiday!
     This is the time of year that everyone should be enjoying time with family and loved ones and that includes YOU!
      Yes! You can have dinner parties and enjoy your guests!  You can make time to go to the mall and enjoy your shopping without rushing!  You can enjoy decorating your home without stress or spending a lot of money! How? Follow these tips and enjoy the holidays!!

1) Say "NO". Be realistic about what you can and cannot do. Each day has 24 hours.  Enjoy the holiday season with time for yourself

2) Create a game plan.   If you are hosting a holiday party or you're the one fixing the main holiday feast, PLAN!!

3) Make a list.  Make a list of who you are buying presents for and what you want to get them.  Stick to that list when you go shopping, it will save you time and money. 

4) Prepare ahead of time. Take a look at the area you will be holding your party/dinner and ask yourself two simple questions.

                  Is there any decorating I can do the day before? 

                  Is there anything I can cook or prepare the day/night before?

5) Everything in Moderation:  Gifts, food, time and money.

6) Wrap up your presents wisely.  Do not buy too much - only buy 2 kinds of wrapping paper so that you can mix and match ribbon and bows with them.

7) Keep things in order. At this time of the year, it is easy to let things slide.  You can still be de-cluttering about 15 minutes every evening.

8) Ask for help.  This is the Season of Giving...let others give to you as well.  Are you baking?  Ask for a helping hand rather than struggling to multi-task drying clothes, cooking, cleaning, and a thousand other chores.

9) Remember kindness starts with YOU! Be kind to yourself.  Schedule time during the Holiday Season for you!

Why is this task or project not getting done?

Most of us have a task or project we want to do but keep putting it off.  If you are a business, it may be that you want to organize your desk, files or storage area.  If your project is at home, you may be putting off painting a room, organizing a space, or cleaning out the garage. 
Below are a few reasons that may be stopping you from getting the task or project completed:

  • Do not know where to start - generally start with the area that is closest to you on your right and work yourself around the space.

  • Overwhelmed - break it down into smaller tasks. Use timers to help you work for short periods of time.

  • No Plan - answer these questions: what items are needed, who do I need to help me, how much money do I need, what tools are needed, and how much time can I spend on it? Once you have answered these questions, mark it on your calendar to implement your plan.

  • Do not know how to do the project - research the project or ask a professional for assistance or guidance.

  • What to do with items no longer needed - before you begin, figure out how you are going to deal with the trash, where are you going to take donations, or how are you going to get items back to the original owners?  Again, you can research local nonprofit organizations or ask a professional.

  • Fear - “I may not do it perfectly or I may fail to finish or meet someone's approval”.  There is no such thing as perfection! If you follow the plan, you will finish. Your approval is all that matters.  What matters most is that you are happy with the process and end result.

Once you have these questions answered and a written plan, your stress will be decreased and beginning, implementing and completing your task or project will be a huge success!